Monday, February 1, 2010

Wow, today is just not going right. I woke up late, then I got locked out of my showroom, I fell on my wrist that is just throbbing now,havnt seen my daughter in 3 days(shes been with her father), and was very much looking forward to having a family night tonight,when Im told I need to work an 11 hour day because no one wants to come in. Grrrr! This frustrates me grately. I'm feeling very ungrateful and am having a "poor me" day. Im frustrated because all I want is to be able to stay home with my kids and raise my family. Circumstances right now dont allow me to do that though. Please dont get me wrong, I am very greatful that I do have this job,I know there are many people out there with out jobs. I struggle a lot with jealousy,not really coveting because its things i want that just havnt happened yet. BUt that is something the Lord is working on in me to overcome.I get jealous when I see people getting what I want-I know someday it will happen for me,but I want it now. Its times like this the devil is trying to push us down and have these poor me attitudes. But we cant let him. We have such great things in store for us and it is up to us to not only not have these attitudes,but to help others overcome them as well,and see what the kingdom of God holds. Wow,just in the short time Ive been writing this,I am overcome with peace.He has turned this writer around from a frustrated,mad,poor me person to a peaceful,calm person. its amazes me how He works,and how quickly He works! I feel much better after just writing out those words-the Lord loves us and wants the best for us-put ALL your cares upon HIm today!